There’s a story in everything

Writers doing research at her desk on her laptop computer

I’ll help you find yours

It’s not a secret that people love stories. The oldest representation of storytelling dates back 36,000 years, and we take in hundreds of stories a day, whether we know it or not. Every billboard we pass, every website we scroll through, every post we read - each one is telling us a story.

You know what people don’t like? Marketing. At least not dry, boring marketing with a sales-y attitude and no heart.

Using my 10+ years of copywriting experience across a variety of industries, I can help you tell the story behind your business. Whether you’re looking to drive home your brand message, educate, connect, or just get a laugh, I’ll find the words to help bring your vision to life.

Who is she?

I’m a lifelong wordsmith with a penchant for poetry, a liking of listicles, a bias towards blogs, and a knack for knowing how to capture the voice and message of my clients.

I may have an address near Wisconsin’s beautiful Third Coast, but mostly I live inside the internet and in the pages of a good book, which makes me uniquely poised to write the content you need to engage your audience.

I’m Sophie and I’m a writer.

I write things like…

SEO optimized blog posts • Listicles • Menus • Radio & video script • Website • Thought leadership pieces • Internal training and employee materials • Print material copy • Product reviews & descriptions • Presentations • Ghostwriting • Fiction • Poetry • Song lyrics

Industries I’ve Written For & What I Like Writing About

Local blogs • Author/book promotion • Residential property management • Contract management • Roofing • Insurance • Branding • Chiropractic • Fitness • Memes • Mental health & neurodivergence • Car culture • Pop culture • Poetry & literature • Video games • History • Nostalgia • Podcasts • Parenting • Pets

Writing Samples

I’ve been writing creatively my whole life, and professionally for over ten years. Check out my portfolio for some recent work. Let me know if there’s any other type of work you’d like to see.

How can I help tell your story?

Find your story

Find your story